"DA Morgan" <damorgan_at_x.washington.edu> wrote in message
> GreyBeard wrote:
>> On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 13:54:30 -0800, ak_tiredofspam wrote:
>>>>> suspect this bug has gone unaddressed for so long because most
>>>using Oracle would never even think to use CAST to convert one char
>>>to another where only the length was different.
>>>I would agree. BTW, I was told that Microsoft used to hire people with
>>>no previous exposure to computers as testers. I was also told that such
>>>newbies were very very useful, as they were going off the beaten path
>>>and exposing an enormous amount of problems.
>> These newbies encouraged such dramatic advances in computing as
>> "Microsoft
>> Bob" and "Clippy, the helpful Paper Clip"
>> Should we encourage Oracle to offer 'Digger, the helpful data shovel'?
>> lol/FGB
> Only if he digs a 6' hole in the ground for himself.
> --
> Daniel A. Morgan
> University of Washington
> damorgan_at_x.washington.edu
> (replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)
actually, it was quite a few months before i realized that 'Builder Bob' was
not part of Developer Suite :-(
++ mcs
Received on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 22:25:40 CST