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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Peculiar results from a simple looking query.
"Turkbear" <> wrote in message
> "Mark C. Stock" <mcstockX_at_Xenquery .com> wrote:
>>"Pedro Lopes" <> wrote in message
>>> Hi,
>>> Why don't you stop hunting bugs and
>>> focus on the resolution of the business problems
>>> the simplest way possible ?
>>> Every piece of software have bugs. Live with it !
>>> And if this is really a problem for you (if it's stopping
>>> you from doing your work) open a TAR on metalink.
>>> :)
>>> pedro
>>nice addition, pedro!
>>yes, the OP should open a TAR. but I for one appreciate knowing that there
>>is a problem with the syntax that he's trying and would welcome more
>>'heads-up' like this. plus, i'm quite sure we are all aware that oracle
>>support isn't always the best at trying out alleged bugs, so i don't think
>>it's too bad an idea to post a test case here. and, as an instructor and
>>consultant, i certainly want to increase my knowledge of what things don't
>>quite work, whether or not its a feature or syntax that i generally use
>>all in all, the OP's issue was not really all that different from your
>>recent attempts to obfuscate number columns -- from which we all learned
>>that 10g release 2 will have it built in
>>++ mcs
> Let's reexamine what CAST does in the context of a query:
> The Conversion requested by the CAST statement is in effect throughout the
> life of that query and applies to that affected
> column however many times after the cast it is referenced. In effect you
> have created a virtual field named the same as the
> original, uncasted, one and the query is accessing that virtual one -
> hence 2 characters long, like it was redefined.
That is the observed behavior, but where is that documented? the docs (SQL Reference, function description) use the same description for CAST behavior as for TO_DATE, TO_CHAR, and TO_ETC..., behavior which to not create virtual columns. What am I overlooking? Where is the exact scope of the CAST *function* documented?
++ mcs Received on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 08:48:22 CST