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In some Pro*C productivity library I wrote about 10 years ago. I was
going through my archives and found it. Here are the docs I wrote for
the library.
LOG_MESSAGE() - Inserts a log message to the MSGLOG table.
procedure LOG_MESSAGE(P_TYPE number, P_PROCESS varchar2 P_FILTER varchar2, P_TEXT varchar2) DESCRIPTION: The LOG_MESSAGE() stored procedure is used to insert a log message into the MSGLOG table with a unique sequence number and the current date and time. Any exceptions are simply passed back to the caller. This procedure is called by the Pro*C function sql_log(), but can also be called by an Oracle(tm) Form or Report. ARGUMENTS: P_TYPE number - A value indicating the type of message being logged. A value of 0 indicates an error message. A value of 1 indicates an informational message while a value of 3 indicates an activity message P_PROCESS varchar2 - A string identifying the process generating the message. Limited to 8 characters. P_FILTER varchar2 - A string used classify messages within type and process. P_TEXT varchar2 - The actual text of the message to be logged. RETURN VALUE: None. However, exceptions are passed back to the caller.SQLCHECK
SQLCHECK() - Macro to simplify call to sql_check().
#include "sqltools.h" int SQLCHECK(int mask, char *process); DESCRIPTION: The SQLCHECK() macro simplifies the setup and calling of the sql_check() function. It is equivelent to calling sql_check() in the following way: sql_check( mask, SQLCODE, SQLMSG, process ); ARGUMENTS: int mask - An integer value used to mask out recoverable Oracle error codes. (See sql_check() function for details. ). char *process - The address of a string containing the process indentifier. RETURN VALUE: The integer value from sql_check() which can be SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_FAILURE, or SQL_FATAL. SEE ALSO: SQLCODE, SQLMSG, sql_check(). EXAMPLE: EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; varchar today[50]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL SELECT SYSDATE INTO :today FROM DUAL; switch ( SQLCHECK( SQL_OK, "SQLTOOLS" ) ) { case SQL_FATAL : sql_log( LOGERR, "SQLTOOLS","DEMO","Fatal error: %s\n", SQLMSG ); exit( SQL_FAILURE ); case SQL_SUCCESS : printf( "Today's date is: %s\n", VARTERM(today) ); break; case SQL_FAILURE : sql_log( LOGERR, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", "Had trouble selecting today's date. " "Oracle Error code is: %s\n", SQLMSG ); break; }SQLCOUNT
SQLCOUNT - Macro for sqlca.sqlerrd[2].
#include "sqltools.h"
The SQLCOUNT macro provides a convenient access to sqlca.sqlerrd[2]. This array member of the sqlca structure contains the count of rows processed by the most recently executed SQL statement. ARGUMENTS: None. RETURN VALUE: A long integer containing the count of the number of rows processed by the last successfully executed SQL statement. The value is undefined if the SQL statement failed except when processing arrays. See the "Programmers Guide to Pro*C" for details.
SQLCODE - Macro for sqlca.sqlcode.
#include "sqltools.h"
This macro provides a convenient method of refering to the sqlcode member of the sqlca structure. This value can be compared to the following values defined in sqltools.h: SQL_OK ( 0 ) SQL_NOT_FOUND ( 1403 ) SQL_INSRT_DPLCT ( -0001 ) SQL_LOCK_FAIL ( -0054 ) SQL_INSRT_NULL ( -1400 ) SQL_TOO_LARGE ( -1401 ) SQL_FETCH_NULL ( -1405 ) SQL_FETCH_TRUNC ( -1406 ) SQL_UPDAT_NULL ( -1407 ) SQL_NMRIC_OVRFL ( -1426 ) SQL_INVLD_MONTH ( -1843 ) SQL_INVLD_DAY ( -1847 ) SQL_CHECK_CNSTR ( -2290 ) SQL_RFRNL_INGRT ( -2291 ) SQL_RI_DELTE ( -2292 ) ARGUMENTS: None. RETURN VALUE: None. SEE ALSO: SQLCHECK(). EXAMPLE: EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; varchar today[50]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL SELECT SYSDATE INTO :today FROM DUAL; if ( SQLCODE == SQL_OK ) printf( "Today's system date is: %s\n", VARTERM(today) ); else { sql_log( LOGERR, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", "ORACLE(tm) Error: %s\n", SQLMSG ); exit(1) } exit(0);SQLMSG
SQLMSG - Macro refering to sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc.
#include <string.h> #include "sqltools.h" DESCRIPTION: A macro that provides a convenient method of refering to the error message returned by Pro*C. This macro also uses sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml to correctly null terminate the string, then returns the address of the first character of the string. Thus SQLMSG can be used as is as the arguments to functions such as puts(), printf(), and strcpy(). ARGUMENTS: None. RETURN VALUE: The address of sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc. SEE ALSO: SQLCODE, VARTERM(). EXAMPLE: See example for SQLCODE.VARGET
VARGET() - Get varchar data into a C style string variable.
#include <string.h> #include "sqltools.h" char *VARGET(char *destination, varchar source); DESCRIPTION: The VARGET macro copies the content of source.arr to the address pointed to by destination, then null terminates the destination string. The address of the string is the result of the entire expression. ARGUMENTS: char *destination - Address of a C style string varchar source - An Oracle varchar variable of any size. RETURN VALUE: The address of the destination string. SEE ALSO: VARTERM(), VARSET() EXAMPLE: char string[12]; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; varchar today[50]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL SELECT SYSDATE INTO :today FROM DUAL; if ( SQLCODE == SQL_OK ) printf( "Today's system date is: %s\n", VARGET(string,today) ); else { sql_log( LOGERR, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", "ORACLE(tm) Error: %s\n", SQLMSG ); exit(1) } exit(0);VARINIT
VARINIT() - Initialize a varchar variable.
#include <string.h> #include "sqltools.h" VARINIT( varchar var ); DESCRIPTION: The VARINIT() macro initializes all elements of var.arr to binary zeros and sets var.len equal to sizeof(var.arr)-1. This macro is useful for initalizing VARCHAR variables used as OUT parameters in stored procedures and functions. ARGUMENT: The VARCHAR variable to initialize. RETURN VALUE: None.VARSET
VARSET() - Copies C style string variable to varchar variable.
#include <string.h> #include "sqltools.h" char *VARSET( varchar destination, char *source ); DESCRIPTION: The VARSET macro copies the content of the address pointed to by source to destination.arr and sets destination.len to the length of the string stored in destination.arr. This macro will never copy more characters than can fit into the destination array and automatically null terminates the destination array. ARGUMENTS: varchar destination - The destination varchar variable. char *source - The address of the source C string. RETURN VALUE: The address of destination.arr cast as character pointer. SEE ALSO: VARTERM, VARGET.
VARTERM() - Null terminates a varchar variable.
#include <string.h> /* For strncpy() */ #include "sqltools.h" char *VARTERM(varchar var); DESCRIPTION: The VARTERM macro uses var.len to correctly null terminate var.arr, then return the address of var.arr. Thus, VARTERM can be used as is as the argument to functions such as printf() and strcpy(). ARGUMENTS: varchar var - A varchar variable of any size. RETURN VALUE: The address of var.arr cast as a character pointer. SEE ALSO: SQLMSG, VARGET(), VARSET(). EXAMPLE: See the example for SQLCHECK().VARTRIM
VARTRIM() - Copies C style string variable to varchar variable and right trims white space characters. SYNOPSIS: #include <string.h> #include "sqltools.h" char *VARTRIM( varchar destination, char *source ); DESCRIPTION: The VARTRIM macro works exactly like the VARSET macro in its copy operation but also trims white space characters from the right side of the the varchar variable. ARGUMENTS: varchar destination - The destination varchar variable. char *source - The address of the source C string. RETURN VALUE: The address of destination.arr cast as character pointer. SEE ALSO: VARTERM, VARGET, VARSET.
EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; varchar myvar[100]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; char *workptr; workptr = VARTRIM( myvar, "This string will be right trimmed " ); printf( "|%s|\n", workptr );sql_check()
sql_check() - Simplify SQL error checking.
#include "sqltools.h" int sql_check(int mask, int sqlcode, char *sqlerrmc, char *process ); DESCRIPTION: The sql_check() function simplifies the process of checking SQL codes returned to Pro*C. It also allows masking out a set of return codes which are considered recoverable, but this feature should be rarely used. ARGUMENTS: int mask - A bit mask value composed one or more values logically ORed together. Each bit value set is meant to ignore certain sqlcode error values which are considered recoverable. The possible values are: SQL_OK ( 0 ) SQL_NOT_FOUND_OK 0x0001 SQL_INSRT_DPLCT_OK 0x0002 SQL_LOCK_FAIL_OK 0x0004 SQL_INSRT_NULL_OK 0x0008 SQL_TOO_LARGE_OK 0x0010 SQL_FETCH_NULL_OK 0x0020 SQL_FETCH_TRUNC_OK 0x0040 SQL_UPDAT_NULL_OK 0x0080 SQL_NMRIC_OVRFL_OK 0x0100 SQL_INVLD_MONTH_OK 0x0200 SQL_INVLD_DAY_OK 0x0400 SQL_CHECK_CNSTR_OK 0x0800 SQL_RFRNL_INGRT_OK 0x1000 SQL_RI_DELTE_OK 0x2000 int sqlcode - The code value returned from SQL in sqlca.sqlcode. char *sqlerrmc - The string returned from SQL in sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc. char *process - Process identifier. Used for logging serious errors. RETURN VALUE: An integer value with the following meanings: SQL_SUCCESS - This value is returned when the SQL statement was successful or a recoverable error was masked. SQL_FAILURE - This value is returned when a recoverable error occured. SQL_FATAL - This value is returned when something is seriously wrong with the database. SEE ALSO: SQLCHECK(), SQLCODE, SQLMSG. EXAMPLE: See example for SQLCHECK().sql_commit()
sql_commit() - Commit a database transaction.
#include "sqltools.h" int sql_commit( char *process ); DESCRIPTION: The sql_commit() function performs an explicit database commit. ARGUMENTS: char *process - Process identifier string. Used to call sql_log(). RETURN VALUE: An integer value, either SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_FAILURE. SEE ALSO: sql_rollback(), sql_release(). EXAMPLE: EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; varchar vardate[10]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; VARSET( vardate, "26-Jul-96" ); EXEC SQL UPDATE EMP SET HIREDATE = :vardate; if ( SQLCODE == SQL_OK ) sql_commit(); else { rv = SQL_FAILURE; sql_log( LOGERR, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", "Could not update Employees hire date.\n" ); }sql_fatal_log()
sql_fatal_log() - Logs program activity and error messages to a flat file. SYNOPSIS: #include "sqltools.h" int sql_fatal_log(int type,char *process,char *filter,char *format,... );
The sql_fatal_log() function allows logging of messages to a text file on the host file system in a manner similar to using the C printf() family of functions. The file (and consequently the filesystem) which the message is logged is determined by the value of the FATAL_LOG environment varible. This value should include the complete path to the file where messages are to be written. If there is no value for FATAL_LOG the messages are written to a file named "fatal.log" in the current filesystem (directory). This function should only be used when there is some reason which precludes logging messages to the database with sql_log(). In the event that sql_log() fails to insert a message into the database sql_fatal_log() will be called logging the original message along with a message logging the failed insert of the message. All messages in the text file are date and time stamped in the format: CCYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS. The arguments of sql_fatal_log() are exactly the same as sql_log(). However, when the message is written to the fatal log file the type code is transformed into a readable string of "LOGACT", "LOGMSG", or "LOGERR". After each message is successfully written to the fatal log the file buffers are flushed and the file is closed. Also, each message in the flat file is terminated with a newline character this it is not necessary to add newline characters when using sql_fatal_log(). NOTE: It is not necessary to connect to the database to make calls to sql_fatal_log(). ARGUMENTS: See sql_log() RETURN VALUE: An integer value either SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_FAILURE. SQL_FAILURE will be returned when a message cannot be written to the fatal log. EXAMPLE: #include <stdlib.h> #include "sqltools.h" int main( void ) { char format[] = "This message logged as %s"; sql_fatal_log( LOGACT, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", format, "An activity." ); sql_fatal_log( LOGMSG, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", format, "A message." ); sql_fatal_log( LOGERR, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", format, "An error." ); return SQL_SUCCESS; }sql_connect()
sql_connect() - Connects a Pro*C program to the database.
#include "sqltools.h" int sql_connect(char *process, char *login, char *passwd, char*instance);
The sql_connect() function connects a PRO*C program to Oracle database using a login/password and possibly a database instance. ARGUMENTS: char *process - The process identification string. char *login - Address of a string containing a valid Oracle(tm) login id. char *passwd - Address of a string containing a valid Oracle(tm) password for the login id. char *instance - Address of a string containing a valid Oracle(tm) instance identifier. This argument may be omitted by using a NULL pointer. When this is done Oracle(tm) will use the value of the ORACLE_SID environment variable. RETURN VALUE: An integer value, either SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_FAILURE. SEE ALSO: sql_release(). EXAMPLE: #include <stdlib.h> #include "sqltools.h" int main( void ) { int rv; if ((rv=sql_connect("demo","scott", "tiger", NULL )) == SQL_FAILURE ) sql_fatal_log(LOGERR,"SQLTOOLS","DEMO", "%s/%s Unable to connect to Oracle", "scott", "tiger"); else { sql_log(LOGACT, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", "%s connected to Oracle.\n", "scott/tiger" ); sql_release(); } return rv; }sql_log()
sql_log() - Logs program activity and error messages.
#include "sqltools.h" int sql_log( int type, char *process, char *filter, char *format,... );
The sql_log() function allows logging of messages to the database which is similar to using the standard C printf() family of functions. Furthermore, the messages are logged in such a manner that each message has a type: an activity message, an informational message, or an error message. Also, messages are logged so that they can be identified by the process that generated them with an additional filter code to identify classes of messages within a process. When an error occurs inserting a message into the MSGLOG table sql_log() resorts to calling the sql_fatal_log() function. In this case an addition error message is generated by sql_log() identifying the reason the insert failed. The message is logged using the same process code, as that of the calling program used. The log type is LOGERR, and the filter code is "SQLLOG". For more information see the documentation for sql_fatal_log(). NOTE: Messages are inserted into the MSGLOG table by calling the stored procedure LOG_MESSAGE. ARGUMENTS: int logtype - This is one of three values defined in sqltools.h The symbolic name for these values and their meaning are as follows: LOGACT: This value is used to log activity type messages. Messages appropriate for this type are would those that indicate program startup and completion along with an indication of the program's success or failure. LOGMSG: This value is used to log informational messages. concerning the program processing. Such messages might include the number of records processed, rejected, and updated, or any useful information that documents the processing accomplished by the program. LOGERR: This value is used to log error messages. This type of message is reserved for logging unexpected exceptions such as inability to open, read, or write to or from a file, or inability to manipulate data in the database. char *process - A string identifying the process which generated the message. char *filter - A string used to classify messages within type and process. char *format - A printf() style format string RETURN VALUE: An integer value either SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_FAILURE. SQL_FAILURE will be returned when a message cannot be written to the activity log. When this happens the message will be written to the error log using sql_fatal_log() EXAMPLE: #include <stdlib.h> #include "sqltools.h" int main( void ) { char format[] = "This message logged as %s"; sql_connect( "scott", "tiger", NULL ); sql_log( LOGACT, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", format, "An activity." ); sql_log( LOGMSG, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", format, "A message." ); sql_log( LOGERR, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", format, "An error." ); sql_commit(); return SQL_SUCCESS; }sql_release
sql_release() - Commit transaction and release database resource.
#include "sqltools.h" int sql_release ( char *process ); DESCRIPTION: The sql_release() function commits any uncommited updates to the database then releases the database resources. When uncommitted updates are not desired the sql_rollback() function should be called prior to calling sql_release(). ARGUMENTS: char *process - A process identification string. RETURN VALUE: An integer value, SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_FAILURE. SEE ALSO: sql_connect(), sql_rollback().sql_rollback()
sql_rollback() - Roll back uncommitted database updates.
#include "sqltools.h" int sql_rollback( char *process ) ; DESCRIPTION: The sql_rollback() function will roll back any uncommitted database updates to the last commit point. ARGUMENTS: char *process - A process identification string. RETURN VALUE: An integer value, SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_FAILURE. SEE ALSO: sql_release(), sql_commit(). EXAMPLE: EXEC SQL FETCH get_sku INTO :l_sku, :l_gold_base:l_gold_base_indct, :l_gold_base_cost:l_gold_base_cost_indct, :l_gold_incr:l_gold_incr_indct; switch( SQLCHECK( SQL_OK, "SQLTOOLS" ) ) { case EXIT_FATAL : sql_rollback("SQLTOOLS"); rv = SQL_FAILURE; sql_log( LOGERR, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", message, SQLMSG ); case SQL_FAILURE : if ( SQLCODE != SQL_NOT_FOUND ) { sql_rollback("SQLTOOLS"); rv = SQL_FAILURE; sql_log(LOGERR, "SQLTOOLS", "DEMO", "An unexpected condition occured " "when reading from the GALE_WIN_" "SKU cursor. Oracle Message: %s\n", SQLMSG ); } }sql_rollback_to_savepoint()
sql_rollback_to_savepoint() - Rolls back transactions to a specific savepoint. SYNOPSIS: #include "sqltools.h" int sql_rollback_to_savepoint( char *process, char *savepoint ); DESCRIPTION: The sql_rollback_to_savepoint() function rolls back an Oracle transaction to a specific savepoint set with the sql_savepoint() function, or using EXEC SQL SAVEPOINT. For more information concerning Oracle transaction processing and savepoints see the "The Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Pro*C Precompiler", Chapter 7, "Defining and Controlling Transactions". ARGUMENTS: char *process - A process identification string. char *savepoint - Address of a string with the savepoint identifier. RETURN VALUE: SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_FAILURE; SEE ALSO: sql_savepoint(), sql_commit(), sql_rollback().sql_savepoint()
sql_savepoint() - Apply a savepoint identifier to an Oracle transaction. SYNOPSIS: #include "sqltools" int sql_savepoint( char *process, char *savepoint ); DESCRIPTION: The sql_savepoint() function applies a savepoint identifier to an Oracle transaction. Later, if deemed neccesary, a program can rollback all updates to the database back to the savepoint. For more information concerning Oracle transaction processing and savepoints see the "The Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Pro*C Precompiler", Chapter 7, "Defining and Controlling Transactions". ARGUMENTS: char *process - The process identification string. char *savepoint - Address of a string containing the savepoint identifier. RETURN VALUE: SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_FAILURE. SEE ALSO: sql_savepoint(), sql_commit(), sql_rollback().Received on Mon Feb 21 2005 - 08:22:24 CST
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