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I wrote the procedure as following:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getLatest (in_id IN varchar2,
out_vid OUT t_vid,
out_lineId OUT t_lineID
out_dt OUT t_dt)
CURSOR c_md (p_id IN VARCHAR2) IS select v_id, line_id, latestdt from ( SELECT v_id, line_id, maxdate, max(maxdate) over (PARTITION BY line_id) latestdt FROM ( select v_id, line_id, maxdate from ( select A.v_id, A.line_id, status_date, max(status_date) over (partition by line_id) maxdate from A, B where A.v_id = B.v_id and A.line_id = B.line_id and = p_id ) t1 where maxdate = t1.status_date UNION select v_id, line_id, maxdate from ( select A.v_id, line_id, status_date, max(status_date) over (partition by line_id) maxdate from A, C where A.v_id = C.v_id and = p_id ) t2 where maxdate = t2.status_date ) ) s where latestdt = s.maxdate;
OPEN c_md (p_id); FETCH c_md BULK COLLECT INTO t_vid, t_lineID, t_dt; CLOSE c_md;
END; However, when I run the the SQL codes of the cursor of the procedure, I got different set of data as those of the procedure. to demo.without the last layer of the MAX(..) over (PARTION BY ..) the records set I got something like
v_id Line_id latestdt T1234 0001 2/5/05 10:45 T1234 0001 1/22/05 07:15 T1234 0002 2/5/05 11:12 T1234 0002 1/22/05 13:35 With the last laryer on, I got T1234 0001 2/5/05 10:45 T1234 0002 2/5/05 11:12from the SQl mode
But got the following from the PROCEDURE as they return through a WEB page
T1234 0001 1/22/05 07:15 T1234 0002 1/22/05 13:35
Why? I have 9 R2 on Windows 2K
C Chang Received on Sat Feb 05 2005 - 14:16:39 CST