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c.d.o.misc: by subject
- A question about update and insert/delete
- aggregate and update
- character set name is not recognized
- converting timestamp in milliseconds to date or vice-versa in oracle
- Copying tables with Long Raw column and conversion of those columns
- dbms_random
- Hakan factor
- If EXISTS before insert clause
- Import character set issue:
- import text files
- IN PLACE UPDATE of an object type?
- ORACLE 10g JDBC Problem
- Oracle connection problem on SUN One
- question about trusted connections
- Trends in Using Oracle 10g Object Extensions
- Trigger insert on parent table question
- Why does first reader.Read take all time in stead of command.ExecuteReader?
- Last message date: Fri Feb 04 2005 - 23:50:05 CST
- Archived on: Mon Feb 28 2005 - 18:45:03 CST