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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Define a job to run once an year
Alan wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > My PO box is in a zip code dedicated to PO boxes... still get spam
> > telling me my PO box is worth $40,000 more than last year.
> >
> > So, a post office may have multiple zip codes, and may have less
> > one (there are delivery stations in some communities, and of
> > some major sorting stations.).
> >
> > Zip code demographics for marketing is logically and economically
> > reasonable, if perhaps odoriferous to the recipients.
> >
> >
> It's not very good if you live in a zip code that is near a large
> mall where cars are stolen frequently. You keep your car in a garage,
> visit that mall, and still get charged higher rates because of the
> Some zip codes may be accurate for marketing, others wildly not so.
> codes do NOT reliably reflect anything- but they're all there is for
free at
> that small a level.
Well, insurance actuarial tables aren't marketing - maybe anti-marketing :-) Don't get me started ranting on insurance companies, I'll just say mine dropped by 2/3 (with the same company) moving S 100 miles from LA.
This is kinda cool:
-- is bogus. Marketing the marketing: on Thu Dec 30 2004 - 13:30:28 CST