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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Define a job to run once an year
I agree that in relational design theory that you should not construct
a single column where the column actually consists of multiple data
items; however, in the real world such values do exist. These values
are pretty much used only as a whole and their contents are not
accessed standalone though there are exceptions. The VIN number used
by the automotive industry is an example. The value represents
numerous data items and its construction is actually set in law.
A better example is the engine serial number used by a manufacturer I know of. The first two digits represent the number of cylinders and the two following digits represent the series. The final six digits are a sequential sequence from 1 to 99999. If enough units are produced to consume the sequence then it is reset to 1 and another series code is issued to allow extension of the line.
Just adding another digit is not an option due to business restrictions
including import laws of customer countries, export licenses, and the
fact one's customer base IT systems only allow 10 digits and are
running on computer systems that still use vacuum tubes makes changing
the size of the column a long process.
The real world and theory do not always agree.