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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> ORA-03113 and init.ora setting db_block size
I encountered this problem and thought it might be helpful to someone if I share my experience.
When creating a DB with 'dbca' tool (Oracle 9i (9.2.xx)) it failed with the error code ORA-03110 (end of file on communication channel).
This error was caused by wrong setting in generated init.ora file. I set variable 'db_block_size' to 8MB and Oracle just failed. When I reduced it to more reasonable value of 64k, I got an error message telling me that this variable can only be set to values from 2k to 32k. So I set it to 16k and everything went well.
Received on Fri Dec 17 2004 - 05:14:59 CST