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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: presenting user-friendly error messages
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 09:43:30 +0100 Thomas Blankschein <>
> Hello,
> an Oracle-DB with several constraints does complain correctly if a user
> tries to insert data over the frontends which do not fit to the check
> constraints. Unfortunately in such a case only an message like 'ORA-XXXX
> Constraint CHK_CUSTOMER_ID violated' is displayed.
> How can I present a more informative message to the user with a
> description
> of the error and hints to avoid it? And this independend from the
> frontend?
Independent from the frontend? For that you have to build a server
side software layer (Pl/sql packages for example) which catches the
exception und returns a readable and context driven message to the
As a workaround (but IMO it is not a good design) you may write a
pre-insert trigger for the table in question. In the code of the
trigger you may check the constraint with procedural logic and then
use "raise_application_error()" to return a context driven message to
the frontend. In this case don't remove the declarative check-constraint
from the table! It's good for documentation and also if the trigger
once vanishes :-)
-- Frank Piron, defrankatkonaddot (leftrotate two)Received on Fri Dec 10 2004 - 03:03:49 CST