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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Oracle Security Question wrote:
> Volker Hetzer wrote:
>><> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>>>Hi All, >>> >>>I am hving real trouble with this one. Basically I've been asked
>>>crack down on database security. Everyone knows all the passwords
>>>all the schemas. >> >>So, change them and tell users their own passwords. >> >> >>>The problem is this place has several Visual Basic applications
>>>the password is hard coded into the code. This does me no good, >>>because once I change the password, I need to tell the developer
>>>it defeats the purpose of changing the password. >> >>Who asked you to crack down on security? Tell thay guy that the
>>have to go from the apps. Users have to type them in each time they
>>>What options are available to me? We are running Oracle
>>>need to hide the passwords from everyone. But I'm not sure what >>>options I have over a network...... >> >>Can you access an LDAP server? >> >>Lots of Greetings! >>Volker
One solution to developers going into production is to exclude them using EXCLUDED NODES. Another is a log on trigger and a threat from management to replace them if they ever log onto production. The later is remarkably effective if serious.
-- Daniel A. Morgan University of Washington (replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)Received on Thu Dec 09 2004 - 16:24:58 CST