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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Anybody resolved memory issues caused by XML for PL/SQL in 8.1.7 ?
"KurtisK" <KJKYLE_at_COOLBLUENOSPAM.COM> wrote in message
> I don't have a recommendation outside of Oracle for parsing XML files
> than Java. ( outside of PL/SQL ) Jave seems the best approach. I ran
> problems when my XML file reached 15-20MB+. The structure of my xml
> documents varied quite a bit as they represented data from about 20
> different tables. When iterating thru this document, my PL/SQL DOM code
> didn't handle this well for whatever reason, so I had to do old fashion
> parsing in order to get the job done in my case. Definitely not the ideal
> approach.
> As for smaller XML documents, we've had good luck with Oracle XML overall.
> Our application is based on XML messaging going in and out of the database
> via PL/SQL procedures. The one case where we had to handle large XML
> is where it broke down.
> Hope this helps,
> Kurt Received on Tue Dec 07 2004 - 14:56:54 CST