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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Insufficient privs on dbms_utility.compile_schema
I am running the compile_schema utility in 10g the exact same way I
ran it in 9i, 8i, etc. (i.e. exec dbms_utility.compile_schema('XXX); )
and now I am getting the following error:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: You have insufficient privileges for an object in this
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_UTILITY", line 422
ORA-06512: at line 1
I am logging on as the same user whose objects I'm trying to compile but have these priv problems. I ran a trace with errorstack level 10 and looked at the trace file. The error told me that I had no privs to compile VISIB."BIN$O9IO/EHVSSQ0LNWQXSUKNG==$0. This is a recycle table trigger and I don't care about it, yet it's preventing me from compiling all.
How do you get around this in 10g? I've purged my recyclebin and this didn't fix the problem. I just want to compile my known objects, not any hidden BIN$ stuff.
Received on Thu Dec 02 2004 - 14:34:05 CST