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"Mark C. Stock" <mcstockX_at_Xenquery .com> wrote in message news:<>...
> <> wrote in message
> | SYS_CONTEXT and V$SESSION as mentioned in the other posts will give
> | you information about the client PC that is connected to the database.
> | If you want the database server (where the database is running)
> | IP/Hostname then you can call
> | select UTL_INADDR.Get_Host_Name from dual;
> | or
> | select UTL_INADDR.Get_Host_Address from dual;
> | I believe this is only available in 8i and above.
> |
> | Regards
> | /Rauf
> |
> works as well as the other suggestions, which also both worked
> v$session gives client and server machine information depending on the
> session -- the post regarding that suggested getting the machine for SID 1,
> which is one of the server background process
> sys_context('USERENV','HOST') also provides the DBMS server machine name --
> returns the same value as "select UTL_INADDR.Get_Host_Name from dual";
> tested on my 8.1.7 laptop and on 10g at
> additionally, SELECT HOSTNAME FROM V$INSTANCE gives the DBMS server machine
> name
> ++mcs
You are partially correct about v$session and v$instance but sys_context will still give you client PC machine name. Here is a screen dump. I have obviously changed the machine name and IP. This is from The only advantage with utl_inaddr (aside from v$session) is that it is granted to public with an option to get both hostname and IP address.
SQL> select sys_context('USERENV','HOST') from dual;
Received on Thu Dec 02 2004 - 11:29:52 CST