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Re: FGAC and Crystal Reports

From: Turkbear <>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2004 14:42:51 -0600
Message-ID: <> (Marty Timm) wrote:

>DA Morgan <> wrote in message news:<1101672985.399791_at_yasure>...
>> Marty Timm wrote:
>> > Has anyone that is using Oracle's FGAC (Fine Grained Access Control)
>> > been able to use Crystal Reports with it? Has anyone using FGAC
>> > successfully used any other end-user report-writers/query tools with
>> > it?
>> I can't think of any reason why FGAC wouldn't work with any method of
>> Oracle access ... report writer or otherwise.
>Perhaps I asked the wrong question. My understanding of FGAC is that
>it typically uses the login userid to determine how to set the
>context. My situation is slightly different. All users will connect
>to the DB using the same DB userid but will have different
>"application userids". The application authenticates the individual's
>userid and password, the calls a stored procedure to set the context.
>This is where the report-writers start to get marginal.
>The report-writer I am using can call stored procedures, but each and
>every call to the database is handled as a unique session. As such,
>the session in which the the procedure is called to set the context is
>long gone by the time the actual query gets executed. The query, not
>having had the appropriate context set, does not return the rows that
>would be specific to the appliction userid.
>So the question might more accurately be stated, "Has anyone used
>report-writers (Crystal Reports, for example) that can call a
>procedure and set a context within the same session that the end-user
>query will be executed?"

To accomplish what you want may require Crystal Enterprise and Business Objects' Business Views - These views can set row and column level security based on the user's login to the Crystal Enterprise system ( CE can be Single Sign On enabled so no 'new' login would be needed if the App authenticates the user to a LDAP or an AD tree) Received on Wed Dec 01 2004 - 14:42:51 CST

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