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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Seeking DBA Senior Oracle Expert/PL/SQL
Dear Daniel Knight ,
One of your employees, Gina Gates, posted a job notice on usenet. Unfortunately, she posted it in almost every active thread of every Oracle-related newsgroup. This was extremely rude and causes all kinds of problems for the newsgroup users. The message should be posted ONCE, and ONLY in Experienced Oracle professionals know that this is the one and only place to look on usenet. _Professionals_ posting job openings on usenet would (or, should) also know this.
"Gina Gates via" <> wrote in
> We require highly experienced Oracle Database Administrators with
extensive knowledge in programming Oracle working on either versions 8 or
Oracle 9i. Tasks consist of programming and writing specification scripts on
PL/SQL, planning, documentation, from Conception, including optimization and
selection of software tools. The ideal candidates selected will be working
in a senior capacity with scope of moving into management.
> Locations: Prague and Germany.
> Please forward your applications to: Gina Gates at, or
if you have a friend or colleague who you believe will be suited to these
positions please ask them to forward their resume ASAP to have an interview
> --
> Message posted via
Received on Wed Dec 01 2004 - 12:38:23 CST