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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: NULL vs. empty
Steffen Conrad <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Ed prochak wrote:
> > I understand your issue with the empty string and the NULL. But how
> > are number fields affected? If the field is numeric and the input file
> > has no value a NULL is loaded. When you dump the table to a file the
> > numeric field for null values will be blanks, right?
> >
> > I just don't see the problem on numbers that there is on character
> > data.
> >
> > Ed
> Ok, I will explain a little bit further to come to the point:
> We are loading ASN.1 coded data (mostly all telecommunication operators
> use ASN.1 coded data for billing purposes) into Oracle, do updates on it
> and unload it to encode it back to ASN.1 coded data.
> ASN.1 is a tag/length/value oriented binary data format. If (for
> example) a integer is coded by tag 01, a number '10' would be coded as
> '01010A' (tag '01 for int, length 01 and value '0A'H).
> If a field is described in the ASN.1-specification and the according tag
> is not found in the binary data a 'NULL' value is loaded in the
> according column on DB. If tag is found the value is loaded into the
> according column.
> But the problem is:
> What to do on '0100' (tag 01 for int, length 00) - this is a valid ASN.1
> coded int with _NO_ value.
> To preserve binary compatibility to the original loaded files we have to
> load this field onto DB with _NO_ value, because when unloading the data
> back to encode to ASN.1 we have to write '0100' back to the binary file.
> Therefore we _must_ divide between 'NULL' and _empty_ values, because
> the binary representation in ASN.1 would differ when doing nothing about it.
> What I want to know is a way to decide between these two states (NULL
> vs. empty) without creating some meta infos for each column because it
> would break up the design and would cause a very expensive redevelopment
> of our DB scripting.
> Therefore every way to store a non-NULL value in a number field that is
> not a representation of a common NUMBER value would solve the problem,
> because SQLLDR stops working when trying to store a non-NUMBER value in
> a NUMBER column.
> Bye,
> Steffen
Yes it's been awhile since i've ever seen ASN.1 data, and even then I didn't have to deal with it directly.
Okay, I think your problem is in throwing away the length information. Your current design is basically a lossy compression algorithm.
Instead, consider two tags, one a character type and one an integer type. To load them in ORACLE (or about any RDBMS) I'd make a table with 4 columns:
create table sample (
quantity integer,
qnty_len integer,
product_desc VARCHAR2(200),
product_len integer) ;
then in loading you can store the tag length in the length columns, making the distinction between <no value> and NULL trivial on dumping the data back out. You wouldn't have to use that kludge of "<tab>" on the character data as you proposed. (in the long run, it will bite you!)
so try adding the lenghts. You be much happier.
Received on Thu May 27 2004 - 13:14:49 CDT
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