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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Scribe Report Generator - beta testers needed
"Wolfgang Rochow" <> wrote in message news:<6tPqc.153$gx1.141_at_clgrps12>...
> "D Rolfe" <> wrote in message
> news:_7Fqc.8280$
> >
> >
> > You also chose to ignore the charter for
> > But then for someone who has posted a
> > more or less identical message to lots of other newsgroups what should
> > we expect? See:
> >
> >
> p.*&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&filter=0
> >
> >
> > I have spent several hours revewing your product and web site. I did
> > this to test my theory that "nothing marketed with SPAM is worth
> > owning". I was rapidly able to establish that 'scribe' does not support
> > multiple tables and is therefore useless in the context of Oracle or any
> > other commercially credible RDBMS. The amount of time I spent evaluating
> > your product compares very favourably with the amount of time you spent
> > getting it to work with Oracle.
> >
> > While I was at your web site I also found the following about your
> > employer's attitude to customers:
> >
> >
> >
> > The paragraph above contains the intriguing sentance about what happens
> > when you buy something:
> >
> > > By requesting this fee-based License upgrade, you are signifying your
> satisfaction
> > > with the chosen Product based on your demo experience and you
> irrevocably waive
> > > your right to any charge-back (refusing the credit card charge on your
> account)
> > > for any reason whatsoever.
> >
> > In plain English:
> >
> > If you buy a product from gestalt they won't give you your money back
> > under any circumstances.
> >
> > Considering the product is software and that an individual download
> > costs the vendor almost nothing why such an extreme policy? Is it that
> > they have had problems with chargebacks in the past? Even if I liked
> > their product I wouldn't do business with someone like this.
> >
> It does not surprise me to have some people take things totally out of
> context.
> Remember, that we are talking on the site about STEP
> Now to your question: "Why such an extreme policy?" Because:
> 1. we allow free downloads for Demo and live testing purposes;
> 2. we allow anyone to create complete applications;
> 3. we allow the full and complete testing on a single licence over a
> sufficent period of time;
> 4. then, if one has determined total suitability and achieved absolute
> satisfaction, and only then do we expect anyone to request and obtain a
> commercial license for a fee.
> Therefore, we state on our website:
> "Do Not Purchase any STEP FORWARD version unless .
> We are giving you every opportunity to test STEP FORWARD, so that your
> decision to license it will be an intelligent choice. Therefore, you must be
> satisfied that the Product will meet your requirements before you decide to
> purchase a License for its use."
> In plain English: We don't want anyone's money until they have achieved
> satisfaction. Other developers presumably sell their products first and then
> hope that the customer will be satisfied - hence the need for a refund
> policy. We prefer our business model. We believe it to be more customer
> friendly.
Okay, it appears you explained your purchase policy. There's always an
issue of problems found after purchase, but that's really a support
> Now as to dissatisfied customers, etc. If you had read our web site
> thoroughly, you would have read these comments:
The comments are on your site. Just provide the link to them, don't
bloat your reply with more ad crap.
So, wolfgang, or Alex or whatever alias you are using today, let me remind you yet again: I have nothing against your product!
I do have serious concerns about your advetising methods. The first time you posted here, it might have been considered off topic. Now, having done repeated posts day after day, it is obviously SPAM.
Such lack of curtesy in this group is what lends credence to the presumption that your purchase policy is poor. You create a bad impression here and then you remain stubborn in your apparent desire to anger this group.
You are rapidly losing any credibility you might have had. Take a step back and think about lots of potential customers coming here and seeing this. You might yet redeem yourself. Keep this in the marketplace group where it belongs and post a brief apology here. Otherwise many will just consider you another SPAMMER trying to draw traffic to your web site.
Ed Received on Fri May 21 2004 - 12:09:58 CDT
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