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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Why does Oracle cost so much?
Sybrand Bakker wrote:
> (I know the Germans
> posting here generally speaking don't read any document prior to
> posting)
I am a german. I've worked with Oracle since '99 (with breaks in between). I believe my english is acceptable - still often I find myself lost in the multitude of Oracle docs, trying to find the one source of information that helps me solve my problem. Still I come to this newgroup with questions because I know there are people here that know more than I and that can give me useful pointers if they want. Usually all I need to continue my work is a good link or two.
To name a few that have helped me in that way (my personal little Hall of Honor): Niall Litchfield, Daniel Morgan, Brian Peasland, Douglas Hawthorne and others. Some are big names on this newsgroup, others (that I forgot to mention explicitly) probably nearer to my level of understanding. Kudos to you guys, you make this newsgroup worth reading!
@Sybrand: Generally I find your answers often insulting. The main and most important thing you do is letting people know: "I, Sybrand, know more than you noob!" (which may be true but is distinctly unhelpful.) The next thing you do is use words like "ridiculous" to make the guy who asked look stupid and embarrass him - and how could anyone have such a bad idea anyway. In maybe 1 out of 5 mails your answer actually contains a slight hint towards an improvement or (*gasp*) even a solution.
When I first came across the board I assumed you were an Oracle representative, assigned to help people on boards - who else would have time to write so much? Now I know that your sig "Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA" doesn't neccesarily mean that - and I'm glad to know Oracle support isn't unfriendly by default. In my view you have gone down from someone to admire to the typical omnipresent board troll.
Sorry, after reading your typical style for way more than a year I felt I had to say that.
(to avoid accusations of posting this anonymous: You can always ask for
my real adress at the email provided in the header, assuming it's not
flooded with spam as usual. :( )
Received on Mon May 17 2004 - 04:40:54 CDT
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