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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Novell to Win2k
Problem is-- the Oracle 7.3.4 is running on Novell 4.11 on IPX!
I can TNSping to both of the two instances we have running. They are
The files I want are on devl. When I run EXP on the Novell server ("load exp"), it appears to default into the orcl instance. And it will export the tables in there. I need it to default, or be directed to the "devl". I have tried numerous variations of
load exp userid=system/password_at_devl
But I get
Error 12154
TNS could not resolve service name
So my question: how can I get EXP to point to the correct Oracle Instance (DEVL)
I noticed that TNSnames.ora has this line:
(ORACLE_HOME = VOL5:ORANW734) in the section for "devl", even though
"devl" is actually on VOL8.
The service name in the Listener is "nwserver_devl".
Should I correct the line in TNSnames to refer to vol8, even though it warns me about messing up SQL*Net configuration? Thanks again. Still trying....
Frank van Bortel wrote:
> Bill Van Dyk wrote:
>> Okay, sounds good. How do I do this? Another posts suggests:
>> create table t_name as select * from schema.t_name_at_dblink;
>> From where? From SVRMGRL on the Win2k Server? Or using an export
>> utility?
>> In the example above, I believe our schema name is "contact", which
>> is also the owner of the tables. Is "t_name" the name of one table?
>> Thanks.
> Could be svrmgrl, but I'd use sql*plus, and log on as the
> (new) user on the Win2K system.
> t_name is indeed the name of the table, so you would
> have to repeat for all tables.
> First you would have to setup a database link, meaning
> configuring the Win_at_K side of oracle to recognize your
> Novell 7 instance.
> Once you get it there, I would use export/import; for the
> simple reason it will bring over all objects (views,
> sequences, triggers, contraints, etc) which 'create table'
> does not.
Received on Wed May 12 2004 - 13:27:46 CDT
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