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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: ALTER TABLE requires extra parentheses for Oracle? (Dylan Nicholson) wrote in message news:<>...
> Seems that Oracle 9.2 (using MS ODBC driver) requires extra
> parentheses when adding multiple columns to a table:
> ALTER TABLE MyTable ADD (MyColumn1 VARCHAR(255), MyColumn2
> VARCHAR(255))
> vs
> ALTER TABLE MyTable ADD MyColumn1 VARCHAR(255), MyColumn2 VARCHAR(255)
> The former simply doesn't work with MS Access or SQL server. I'm
> wondering what the SQL standard is, and whether there is a way (other
> than adding columns one at a time, which is surely inefficient for a
> table with existing data) of writing the statement to work with all 3
> types of database.
According to the current SQL standard, SQL-2003, you may only add one column per ALTER TABLE statement:
<alter table statement>::=ALTER TABLE <table name> <alter table action>
<alter table action>::=
<add column definition> |<alter column definition> |<drop column definition> |<add table constraint definition> |<drop table constraint definition>
<add column definition>::=ADD [ COLUMN ] <column definition>
The SQL-99 and SQL-92 standards specified ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN the same way as above.
The SQL-89 standard allowed a form of ALTER TABLE that specified several columns in parentheses. Just like your first example.
To verify SQL standard compliance, you can use the SQL Validator:
Received on Thu May 06 2004 - 02:47:32 CDT
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