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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> how to boost a slow update query
I have 2 tables, table1 (id, val1, val2,val3) and table2 (id,
val1_new), each with exactly the same number of rows (~200,000) and
same values in id columns. I want to update a part of table1 which has
val2=val3 (~ 300 rows), replace val1 of table1 with val1_new of
table2. Both tables have indices on id.
I use this query:
update table1 a set a.val1 =
(select val1_new from table2 b where
where a.val2=b.val3;
it runs in about 3 mins just to update 300 rows, while a query with the same purpose in mysql runs in 10sec
I also run a slightly different version:
update table1 a set a.val1 =
(select val1_new from table2 b where and a.val2=a.val3);
but same performance
any suggestion for improvement?
Received on Fri Apr 30 2004 - 13:25:28 CDT