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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Oracle Text operator INPATH question
I have some XML stored (as a CLOB) which looks like this:
<attribute name="bnum">
<value string="435353"/>
I want to be able to use INPATH to search for the tag "value" whose attribute "string" has a value "435353" AND is a direct descendent of a tag "attribute" whose attribute "name" has a value "bnum"
I've tried lots of different ways :-),
select * from myTable where contains(xml_col, 'bnum INPATH(//attribute[value/@string="435353"])',1)>0;
but to no avail...
I'd appreciate any pointers people may have.
Michael Received on Thu Apr 29 2004 - 12:44:04 CDT