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Can anyone help ?
I have to pass some XML to an Oracle 8i stored procedure, which is expecting a CLOB, using VB and ADO.
Only, it isn't working. Oracle keeps returning the error :
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments
(If I remove the parameter from the stored procedure and the call to
it, it
all works fine. i.e. the other parameters are all correct.)
I've been hunting through Google and most people appear to have done
without too many problems simply by setting the type of the ADO
parameter to
adLongVarChar. I have done this -- it refuses to work.
Before I get any of the obvious replies, I have tried the following :
The SP definition is as follows :
PROCEDURE main (p_afp_clob IN CLOB ,pn_contact_inc_id IN NUMBER ,pn_gpms_id IN NUMBER ,pn_org_id IN NUMBER ,pc_error_ind OUT VARCHAR2 ,pc_error OUT VARCHAR2 ,pc_ref OUT VARCHAR2 ,pc_prop_val IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,pn_expiration_time IN INTEGER DEFAULT NULL);
and my VB code, which uses a wrapper functions, looks like :
If (oDbase.bSetProcedure("main") = True) Then
oDbase.m_cmd.Properties("SPPrmsLOB") = True
Call oDbase.bAddProcTag("p_afp_clob", sXML, adLongVarChar) Call oDbase.bAddProcTag("pn_contact_inc_id", iContactIncId, adNumeric) Call oDbase.bAddProcTag("pn_gpms_id", iGpmsId, adNumeric) Call oDbase.bAddProcTag("pn_org_id", iOrgId, adNumeric) Call oDbase.bAddProcTag("pc_error_ind", sErrorNo, adVarChar, adParamOutput) Call oDbase.bAddProcTag("pc_error", sErrorText, adVarChar, adParamOutput) Call oDbase.bAddProcTag("pc_ref", sRef, adVarChar, adParamOutput) If Not IsMissing(sPropVal) Then Call oDbase.bAddProcTag("pc_prop_val", CStr(sPropVal), adVarChar) End If If Not IsMissing(iTimeout) Then Call oDbase.bAddProcTag("pn_expiration_time", CInt(iTimeout), adInteger) End If If (oDbase.bExecute() = True) Then ...
The wrapper function bAddProcTag() sets the direction (defaulted to
name, size and value of the parameter, and then appends the parameter
to the ADO
parameters collection. This works fine for quite a number of stored
(the remainer of which only use VARCHAR2 and NUMBER parameters)
Received on Tue Apr 27 2004 - 09:46:46 CDT