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Re: Oracle client for DOS

From: Ed prochak <>
Date: 19 Apr 2004 10:51:40 -0700
Message-ID: <>

"Howard J. Rogers" <> wrote in message news:<408388fb$0$16964$>...
> Igor Shulgin wrote:
> > Hi, Daniel!
> >
> > No, I *really* mean "Microsoft DOS version 6.20". Unfortunately, we must use
> > MS DOS in our distant departments' computers.
> > I doubt that sqlplus.exe from $ORACLE_HOME/bin in Windows version would work
> > in clear MS DOS environment.
> >
> Just out of interest, why is it that these clients must use a 10-year
> old operating system? I'm intrigued!
> To answer your question, although I'm really just repeating what
> Daniel's said: you're not going to find a true DOS client any time soon.
> Your best bet, I think, would be to approach Oracle directly and ask
> them if they've got anything in the archives. But I don't rate your
> chances even so.
> Any client that you get truly for DOS is also going to have a hell of a
> time connecting to an Oracle 9i database. Oracle 9i clients don't
> connect to Oracle 7 databases because of changes in the SQL Net
> layers... so I assume Oracle 7 clients don't readily connect to Oracle
> 9i databases either. Anything that is truly a DOS client is itself going
> to be from at least the Oracle 7 or earlier vintage, and is therefore
> most unlikely to be able to talk to 9i databases. I suppose, on the
> other hand, that miracles do happen.
> Which brings me back to wondering why you are so constrained in your
> choice of client.
> If it's because the machines are so ancient, I'd be looking at
> crowbar-ing some sort of Linux onto them and running a more modern
> client in an X GUI. Actually, I'd be looking at making a donation to the
> local museum and buying something a bit more realistic, but the linux
> approach might at least be feasible.
> Regards
While I agree that upgrading the machines should be seriously considered, Linux might not be a possible solution. LINUX assumes at least a 32bit processor and that might not be available on machines that are not even running MS Windows.

But he might be able to use the machines as terminals, using telnet. Then sqlplus would be running on the server.

Keep old hardware OS at departments.
run latest OS and Oracle on the server.

local functionality is missing, like printing. (e.g., the SPOOL command would save files on the server which would have to be moved to the client machine for storing/editting/printing)

About even
communication issues would seem to be similar whether running thin clients (telnet to server running Oracle) or fat clients (sqlplus on the department machine)


   Ed Received on Mon Apr 19 2004 - 12:51:40 CDT

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