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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> How I can select where a date is null..
Hi, my problem is the following:
I have different selection parameters for my query. So, the user can insert
one or more of these selection fields.
I think that an example can explain you better. this is my table:
TAB1 (
field1 VARCHAR2(25) NULL, filed2 VARCHAR2(25) NULL, ... DATA1 NUMBER(7) NULL)
(field DATA1 is a date in JULIAN format)
field1 field2 data1
A A 2450341 B BB
My query, supposed that var1 = '%' and var2 = '%') is
SELECT field1 FROM "tab1" WHERE ( upper("tab1".field1") like :var1) AND ( upper("tab1"."field1") like :var2) AND ... ( "tab1"."DATA_1" >=
This SELECT has no result because DATA1 in the second record is null. How can resolve this problem?
Thank in advance!
Received on Mon Apr 19 2004 - 05:43:34 CDT