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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: First attempt with Dynamic SQL
"Marc Eggenberger" <> wrote in message
| In article <>,
| says...
OK, so using bind variables ...
| RETURN types.ref_cursor
| AS
| Config_Cursor types.ref_cursor;
| v_Name varchar2(45);
| SELECT pt.Name INTO v_Name
| FROM netprobe.tblProbe p
| INNER JOIN netprobe.tblProbeType pt
| ON p.PROBETYPE = pt.ProbeTypeID
| WHERE p.ProbeID = intProbeID;
| v_Name := 'tblProbe_' || v_Name;
| OPEN Config_Cursor FOR
| 'SELECT * FROM :TableName WHERE ProbeID = ' || intProbeID
| using v_Name;
| RETURN Config_Cursor;
| END;
| /
| btw
| The 'SELECT * ... Part in the OPEN Config_Cursor is not wrapped in the
| original source code, thats my newsclient.
| That doesnt work .. how would I have to rewrite the OPEN Config_Cursor
| FOR part?
| You say that I dont need dynamic SQL. But I only know the ProbeID not
| the Tablename, where the information is in which I need to know. So I
| have to construct the Tablename on runtime. How should this be possible
| with non dynamic sql?
| Thanks for any help.
| --
| mfg
| Marc Eggenberger
you can't use the bind variable for the table name, but you should use the bind variable for search criteria
SQL> @bind-sample SQL> var tname varchar2(3) SQL> var dnum number; SQL> SQL> begin
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> declare
2 type refcur is ref cursor;
3 rc refcur;
4 begin
5 open rc for
6 'select empno from :t where deptno = ' 7 || :dnum 8 using :tname;
SQL> declare
2 type refcur is ref cursor;
3 rc refcur;
4 begin
5 open rc for
6 'select empno from '||:tname||' where deptno = :dn' 7 using :dnum;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
;-{ mcs Received on Sun Apr 18 2004 - 07:30:05 CDT