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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: conditional selection of 'AND' or 'Select' in Oracle
I have one query similar to the following:-
select coursenum,sectionnum,instructor from
SECTION s where (sectionnum = '001')
and coursenum LIKE 'MATH%'
but is it possible to add another 'and' condition to the above query provided a certain user parameter = 'add'
for e.g
select coursenum,sectionnum,instructor from
SECTION s where (sectionnum = '001')
and coursenum LIKE 'MATH%'
and instructor LIKE 'L%' i.e. only and only if :parameter = 'add' else
the above (first)query gets executed.
I do not want to use procedure for the above as I think everyting can be done using and,or,not Received on Sat Apr 17 2004 - 19:46:55 CDT