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Re: Multi row blocks

From: Mark C. Stock <mcstockX_at_Xenquery>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 13:04:29 -0400
Message-ID: <>

"Julesm" <> wrote in message news:AVSec.29700$
| Hi again,
| I ran that by our forms man, and got the following?
| Is he right do we think?
| -------------------------snip-------------------------------
| Jules,
| Thanks for this, but as ever, these people are saying yes it can be done
| using Oracle Forms or a Java grid. This seams to be a favourite response,
| but noone is ever prepared or able to point us at something that proves
| The first problem is where to get a java grid that will do what we want
| of course the problems that will inevitably follow implementing a grid,
| as bugs in the grid, Oracle and the Grid supplier blaming each other for
| problems, etc. etc.
| The other problem (and this will apply to both the grid and the non-base
| table MRB) is going to be performance. It's all well to develop these
| on a small database on what is a reasonable sized application server with
| just a couple of developers connected over a 100MB network, but what
| when the application is supporting 100's of users some over not much more
| than a 64K link? Very often, the developer solution is just to bung more
| hardware at the problem (Microsoft!) but may not be possible here, and can
| never be the correct solution.
| I would take anything that you're told here with a large pinch of salt. On
| your other question (re: performance) the reply suggested that we remove
| triggers from the form but we (STL) know that it is a bug in the
| server, Oracle know it's a bug in the application server, but it appears
| that the chap that replied does not!
| I hope to look into whether good, simple code can be written to provide
| functionality required (or palm the search off onto someone else!). While
| gut reaction is no, I'm happy to be proven wrong!
| Regards
| Dave.

well, jules, i don't remember ever discussing this with 'dave' so i don't know about the 'as ever' part ;-)

if 'dave' understands forms, my previous response about the non-base table block should be sufficient information about that technique -- if it's not sufficient for him, then you'll need to hire a consultant to mentor your forms guru <insert another wry smiley here>

there is sufficient information about extending forms with java at the otn site -- 'these people' (or 'this people') suggested that approach as an avenue for investigation, but it looks like 'dave' wants the testimony of an expert witness. whatever the case, it kinda appears that maybe 'dave' is not real interested in finding a solution

i'm not sure what the background is for the performance comments -- seems like a general complaint against not only oracle but also microsoft. perhaps 'dave' had some bad coffee before he responded? whatever the case there, a slow client configuration will be slow against a big or a small database (it's the bad SQL, not a bad client software tool, that that scales poorly as the database gets larger). is 'dave' concerned about forms as a fat client in a client-server scenario? that would seem unlikely if he's talking about dial up connections. if you're considering doing forms 9i via the web server, then the user's network connection really has little additional impact on application performance (compared to other interface options), but the communications link between the application server and the database would be a larger factor.

i also don't know quite what the issue is with triggers and the application server -- we deployed a nice robust forms 9i application on 9iAS release 2 a year ago for the state of virginia and never had any problems with triggers on forms or the database.

so -- hopefully 'dave' can find someone else to do his work and everyone will be happy.

let me know if i can be of any further help (and keep a close eye on 'dave')

ps: i tried to attach a large pinch of salt, but that functionality is not supported in a text-based news reader

;-{ mcs Received on Thu Apr 15 2004 - 12:04:29 CDT

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