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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: and_equals hint - anyone ever used it to good effect? Any good doc available? (Greg Forestieri) wrote in message news:<>...
> I'm looking for information on the and_equals hint. Doc, examples,
> when to use. I've looked in ask tom, googled it, documentation, I've
> seen little information thus far. Seems like it could be powerful
> given the scant info I have on it which was a one line blurb in a
> metalink document. Anyone?
> thx
> Greg
Please ignore my question - seems I'm trying to invent a new hint. The one I'm looking for is "and_equal", not "and_equals" - the latter actually gets 3 hits on metalink for some reason, thus the cause of my confusion.
Greg Received on Wed Apr 14 2004 - 07:10:43 CDT