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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Cannot Get Oracle Forms 9i to Invoke Web Browser
DH wrote:
> Hi all,
> The option "Run Form" in Form Builder of Oracle9iDS on my WinXP SP1
> usually working now refuse to invoke the web browser with GPF message
> as below:
> "Oracle Forms Designer has encountered a problem and needs to be
> close.
> We are sorry for the inconvenience"
> with the details errors:
> "Error Signature
> AppName: ifbld90.exe AppVer: ModName: mmc90.dll
> Mod Ver: Offset: 000115d4
> "
> The Form Builder is closed after the GPF window.
I have no suggestion other than reinstall
However - have you installed or upgraded ANYTHING, including browser plug-ins, since Oracle9iDS was installed? I suspect there is some interaction and have informally been trying to track it.
BTW: Removing redundant and annoying x-post, and curious why you didn't post to which is where this really belongs. (After all DS is a tool suite.) Received on Sat Apr 10 2004 - 14:33:44 CDT