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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: travel time policy? corporate and consultants
"Mark C. Stock" <mcstockX_at_Xenquery .com> wrote in message news:<>...
> survey of sorts:
> what type of travel time reimbursement policies are common these days?
> for employees -- do you travel on your own time or on company time?
> for consultants -- how often, if ever, are you reimbursed (other than for
> expenses) for long commutes or flight time?
> ;-{ mcs
Da gummint gimme mileage writeoff, so I don't charge for socal. I have had a couple of per diem contracts, nice when it can be done. I don't pretend to remember the rules.
I almost considered going for the over-6000 GVW vehicle (strange twist
of the tax law originally designed for farm and heavy machinery, now
one reason you see so many Hummexsubdivisions around), but the gas
would be so much I just cringe... ... too bad there
aren't any electric vehicles good for a long commute - dang, shoulda
bought that Escalade.
Been too long since I've actually had a flight time to say. Customers usually send their own person more cheaply to shove in the media and then I just VPN or whatever. Whether I would charge if I did would depend, probably be like the others posted.
-- is bogus. on Fri Apr 09 2004 - 17:46:16 CDT