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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: ORA-04031 shared memory
> Typical case of shared pool fragmentation. The requested 4200 bytes
> are available, but not contiguously.
> There is a note up on Metalink with a query to determine whether
> increasing shared_pool_reserved_siz_min_alloc will help.
> Guess you will end up increasing the shared pool.
> Shared pool fragmentation is usually caused by not using bind
> variables in sql statements.
ok, but i used the followning query, for getting info about problems
with memory handling:
SELECT free_space, avg_free_size, used_space,
avg_used_size, request_failures, last_failure_size FROM v$shared_pool_reserved;
Results in:
---------- ------------- ---------- ------------- ---------------- ----------------- 2621440 2621440 0 0 0 0
The most sql stuff is organized within an pl/sql-package with variables, there should be no problems with bind variables. additionally I am using a lot of sequences.
Lars Received on Tue Apr 06 2004 - 02:49:25 CDT