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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Silent install of Net8 CA ??!
Julien wrote:
> Thank you for your interest to my problem.
> How can I test NetCA and launch it alone in silent mode ?
(Why, oh why, do you top-post?)
Why do you want to install NetCA in any case?
Why, when you say you want to do a silent install of your 8.1.7 client, are you even trying to propogate the listener - which is a server config?
The main purpose of NetCA is to create one or more of (tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora, listener.ora and a few others). It is not unreasonable to create a master of the correct (client-related) *.ora files and copy it/them the client. Or even create it by hand. Or better yet, use onames or oid/ldap and avoid creating dedicated tnsnames files. (After having read the Net8 documentation at
I'm so confused ... why are you doing this????? Received on Fri Apr 02 2004 - 02:12:02 CST