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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: telnet to listener
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 23:19:36 +0100, Pete Finnigan wrote:
> Hi Rocky,
> Sybrand is correct just use OEM it already does what you want.
> If all you have is a socket connection to the listener through your tool
> then to get it to work you would need to replay a sequence of TNS
> packets to connect to the database and then send your select statement.
> The TNS protocol is proprietary and not published so you would need to
> work out how the authentication hand shake works and whether it can be
> just replayed. Its completely not worth it as doing so could invalidate
> your Oracle license as it could be construed as reverse engineering,
> just use OEM as Sybrand suggests its easier.
> hth
> kind regards
> Pete
thank you pete. That's what I wanted to know.
Received on Thu Apr 01 2004 - 07:09:39 CST