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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Creating database with Personal Oracle 8
I am trying to create a database from scratch in Personal Oracle 8, not
the delivered ORCL database. I didn't have a lot of success. I was able to
connect internal, but got a insufficient privileges message when I tried to
start nomount. Is it true that one can't create a database other than
ORCL with Windows 95, only NT? I would be willing to upgrade to NT
Workstation if I knew it'd solve my problem. I trashed the ORCL database and
tried to re-create it, but I got the same "insufficient privileges" error
when I try to startup nomount. I assumed that I could at least re-create
ORCL myself instead of installing it from the CD. I bought PO* cuz I've had
DBA training but don't use it too much on the job, but I want to keep up with
it. I thought creating and "playing" with an instance would be a good way.
Any help or recommendations you could give me would be appreciated.
-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own Received on Sat Oct 31 1998 - 21:45:33 CST