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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: getting data from BAR CODE READER
I had similar situation using keyboard with card reader, OCR reader and attached barcode reader.
Found that the firmware included sending sentinel characters to identify source of input, read status etc...
Forunately fount that first sentinel was equiv. to SHIFT -F6 and last to SHIFT-F7 (or similair) & the first sentinel was ignored but the second casued a inavlid function key error.
Amend the ON-ERROR something like below
lv_errcod NUMBER := ERROR_CODE; lv_errtyp VARCHAR2(3) := ERROR_TYPE; lv_errtxt VARCHAR2(80) := ERROR_TEXT;
BEGIN IF (lv_errcod = 41008) then ....
Don't forget to put in
Message(lv_errtyp||'-'||to_char(lv_errcod)||': '||lv_errtxt);
RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
to get other errors displayed.
kresimi futivic wrote in message <719roo$urp$>...
>Reading string from other program when program
>I've got a problem with transfering data from extern program (barcode
>program) into ORACLE text field, when reader finished reading gives focus
>oracle forms45 runtime then I need to read string.
>I have a text string on clipboard, or in a single line ASCII text on disk.
>tried to put
>when needed but it doesnt matter which trigger I use I allways get
>not allowed' error.
>The second way is to read from text file a line and put it to the field in
>oracle but I don't know how to read from txt file.
>Please gimme solution either for 1st or 2nd problem...
Received on Fri Oct 30 1998 - 00:00:00 CST