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It sound like you are being asked to export your database. Use exp or exp7? or exp8?. On UNIX export is exp, on NT it is exp7? or exp8?. You can find out what your database version is by selecting banner from v$version. exp and imp have a bunch of parameters, you may wish to look at Oracle? Utilities Manual or any other book available. By the way, you have a set of manuals on your Oracle7 CD ROM, Utilities Manual is there. To be safe, ask what exactly they want you to do, if it is export do export. If they want you to backup the database shut it down and copy all the files to safe storage.
Good luck,
Cyril Gordon
In article <01be026e$ea1a41c0$1300a8c0_at_peterb>,
"Dave Rhodes" <> wrote:
> Hi
> Hope someone can help me. I was on a Oracle training course last week, and
> now I've been made into DBA (prior to the course, I'd never seen or used
> Oracle) so I'm a bit bewildered by everything at the moment.
> I've been asked to create a 'dump' of our database. Can anyone tell me
> what this means, and more importantly what I need to do.
> Do I have to use EXP73 and export something, or is this something I do with
> SVRMGR? (That's all I've managed to find out about so far)
> I'm using Oracle 7.x (I don't know what version)
> Thanks in advance
> Dave
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