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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Please help! Web Enabled forms look terrible...
Believe it Mark! This is the most poorly concieved/developed tool I have ever used. It is obvious that Oracle did absolutely no testing whatsoever on these applets. There are also major differences on how it displays on IE vs NN. My guess is that with an inordinate amount of effort you will eventually be able to improve, but never totally fix your problem.
Mark S. Reichman wrote in message <>...
>I have seen this table you speak of. I am not the DBA,
>only a developer. My DBA says he has tried to map these
>fonts with no luck. My next question is, "Can I expect the
>form in Netscape to look ok if the fonts are mapped correctly
>no matter what OS's are involved the development? Or will there
>always be some sort of discrepancy between the layout editor
>and the web enabled product?" My DBA tells me that this is
>the best it will get. I personally find it hard to believe
>Oracle would put out a product that behaves like ours does.
>I select a font size in the layout editor of say 8 and it
>appears in Netscape as about 18. Font sizes of 5 thru 9
>seem not to change at all in the web enabled version.
>When I seperate fields with the layout editor "align objects"
>option they look fine in the layout editor but are
>grouped by twos in Netscape and not separated evenly
>in Netscape. I guess I'm looking for someone to say,
>"Yes. If you map the fonts correctly in your SUN/UNIX system,
>the web enabled forms when viewed in WinNT4.0/Netscape will look and
>feel just like they did when developed in the layout editor
>viewed through Exceed(X-windows) on WinNT4.0"
>If anyone has been through this would they please send me a copy
>of their font mapping file. -Thanks..
Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 00:00:00 CST
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