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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Triggers to Create Script Files.
The way i would do this is to log it to a local table then when you want a listing you can use either ISQL or BCP. This also lets you query the table whenever you like.
Here is the sample script.
drop table test
create table test (
field1 varchar(10) primary key clustered, field2 varchar(10), field3 varchar(10)
drop table Commands
create table Commands (
Command text )
create trigger testinsert on test for insert as
insert into Commands (Command)
select 'insert into test values
from inserted
create trigger testupdate on test for update as
insert into Commands (Command)
select 'update test set field1 = '+char(39)+i.field1+char(39)+',field2 =
'+char(39)+i.field2+char(39)+',field3 = '+char(39)+i.field3+char(39)
+' where field1 = '+char(39)+d.field1+char(39)
from inserted i,deleted d
where i.field1 = d.field1
create trigger testdelete on test for delete as
insert into Commands (Command)
select 'delete from test where field1 = '+char(39)+field1+char(39)
from deleted
insert into test values ('number 1','number 2','number 3')
insert into test values ('number 11','number 12','number 13')
update test set field2 = 'test this' where field1 = 'number 1'
delete from test where field1 = 'number 1'
/* Now for the output */exec master..xp_cmdshell 'isql -n -h-1 -E -w8000 -Q"set nocount on select * from commands" -oc:\output.txt'
I hope this was of use.
Steve Robinson SQL Server MVP. wrote in message
>Dear Netters,
>My objective is create a trigger attached to a table so that i get a script
>file when changes are made to the table. this script file should not be
>erased.. but should be appended when changes are made.
>I will deliver a table to my customer in January. after that i will be
>making changes to the table. the customer might be making an equal amount
>changes. 6 months later, i want to give only the changes to made to my
>to the customer or share some changes made by the customer.
>So, if i can write a trigger that will write out the changes in the follow
>format to an ASCII file:
>DELETE from ....
>your thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
>you can reach me at
>with regards
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Received on Thu Oct 15 1998 - 00:00:00 CDT
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