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Sounds to me like ACCESSIBLE_COLUMNS is the name of the only table you have
access to. Check the system and object privileges of the userid you are
using. We use this method to control what ODBC users can see -- we make a
common user-id known, and that userid only has the system privilege of CREATE
SESSION, and object privilege of SELECT on only those tables we want to be
publicly available.
Ed Stevens
Nissan Motor Mfg. Corp., USA
In article <>,
Greg Gennette <> wrote:
> I am trying to access some Oracle Financial Tables using an Oracle ODBC
> driver (Oracle73 Version:2.05.0301). I am using Access 97 and am using
> the following option File/Get External Data/Link Tables. This brings up
> a dialog that allows you to pick ODBC Databases() as a File type. Once
> selected another dialog comes up "Select Data Source". I then pick a
> pre-defined Machine Data Source called 'plc1plct' --> defined in
> TNSNAMES.ora. Another dialog then comes up which prompts me for my
> password. I type this in and then wait about a minute and then all that
> comes up is a dialog labeled 'Link Tables' with one choice in it -
> ACCESSIBLE_COLUMNS. My question is that when I have done this before I
> get a list of all the tables that I have access to. I also tried this
> with a Microsoft supplied Oracle ODBC driver with the same results.
> Does anyone have any ideas on what is going wrong? Thanks in advance,
> -Greg
> PS. I am using Oracle 7.3 on a Sun Solaris Box.
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