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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Which version vc++ odbc to access oracle
I am writing an api in c that is called from a vb client/server application to interface with an Oracle database.
The interface will perform two functions; interactively execute a simple SQL statement, and nightly (or according to scheduled jobs) perform uploads and downloads of multiple records.
The application calling the interface is a Client/Server system running SQL Server 6.5 on NT 5.0. The target is Oracle 7.3.2 running on an IBM Risc 6000. Currently we have Visual C++ 4.0 (ODBC 2.10).
Do I need to upgrade to VC++ 6.0? I believe that this should be implemented as a dll, but it has been suggested to write an NT service to perform this task, any comments for or against, also coding and approach tips would be appreciated.
jim choulas
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