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Well, what we will have before the end of the week is a NetApp, a big file
server, that is said to be incredibly fast and reliable...
From what I have just read from the NetApp web site, it seems that the NetApp can handle it, and very fast... But I will prefer to have a local raid5 hardrive instead of a remote nfs server, which we will use for a lot of things, have we will have a lot of machines with a lot of traffics that will rely on this file server.
Now, I think that I will somes tests on the NetApp, and then some tests on the local hardrive so see the difference.
Stephane Fourdrinier.
In article <>,
Juergen Gmeiner <> wrote:
> > I personnally will prefer to have a local raid5 harddrive, because I think
> > is faster and more reliable, but as we have invested in a 100Gb fileserver,
> > we are wondering if we can use it for that.
> install oracle on the fileserver. or buy a raid. preferably to
> smaller raids so you can seperate the archive logs from
> the datafiles.
> running oracle over nfs is big NO-NO. one of the first things
> they told me on my oracle-course years ago was that
> accessing the data files over nfs was a sure
> way to loose data.
> and performance would probably suck, too.
> be safe,
> juergen
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