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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: filters .. forms 5
I've not had exposure to forms5 but in Forms 3 and Forms 4.5 (and Forms2 and
2.3 I think) you can do the following.
Enter query mode (KEY-ENTQRY)
While in query mode. Put a & character in one of the queryable fields.
Perform the query (KEY-EXEQRY)
A pop up box appears allowing you to enter other filter. With this box you
can specify the fields (with the & in it) by using &. You can, of course,
also enter any other AND clauses you want using equalities, inequalites,
LIKE, IN etc.
This should give you the functionality you need but it does mean that the users are effectively writing SQL code and so sytax is important. Also, your query field, where you put the & character, may need a long query length. Not sure on this off hand.
Alternatively, form a more user freindly screen/block/whatever you could dynamically set the block default where clause using the appropriate builtins and then perform an execute query.
I hope this is what you were looking for.
Alan D. Mills
mdesouza_at_YAHOO.COM wrote in message <701hj4$4es$>...
>Hi all
>I need some ideas
>In my application I want the user to be able to use the following filters =
>< <> not in etc for my reference tables . The kind of filters oracle has in
>browser. The problem is that I have not got a clue where to start and how
>implement it .
>I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction, any
>of code or ideas would be appreciated or if someone has written a simple
>to do the following I would be grateful for a copy
>I read a few papers on it but they just confused me
>michael Dsouza
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Received on Wed Oct 14 1998 - 08:43:52 CDT
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