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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Oracle 7 DBA - Becoming competent
There is no one essential thing to learn about Oracle. Everything about
Oracle is important. As a DBA, something new pops up on a daily basis,
whether it is help designing a database, meeting user's requirements, or
proactive tuning. As a consultant, most of my projects have been Database
Layout (on a server) and installation, Database Tuning, proposing various
types of Back-up strategies, and offerring advice about numerous subjects.
I initially learned Oracle by attending Oracle Eduaction's DBA Masters program. But the majority of my learning has been "jumping in the deep in" as a DBA.
No comment on the book, never hear of it.
good luck,
In article <>,
Ed <> wrote:
> I'm a newbie and was wondering if anybody could tell me the essential
> things to learn about Oracle. I've read some of the Oracle DBA book and
> it's well written, but I'd like to focus on what's really important and
> then fill in the gaps later on?
> How have you learned Oracle?
> Also, is Oracle 7 for Dummies any good?
> Thanks in anticipation.
> Ed.
Oracle DBA/UNIX System Admin
Advanced Enterprise Solutions
(949) 756-0588
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