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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Getting IP address of client
A copy of this was sent to "Mike Layng" <>
(if that email address didn't require changing)
On Mon, 12 Oct 1998 08:32:27 +0800, you wrote:
>Hi Russ,
>Thanks for the reply.
>The code I tried was almost identical to what you suggest (i think i had
>varchar2(20) instead of varchar2(15)), but I still get that exception.
>Can anyone tell me if exception ORA06502 would fire if the get_cgi_env was
>returning NULL?
No, it'll give you that from sqlplus (or any other environment other the the PL/SQL cartridge). for example:
SQL> declare
2 tmp varchar2(15);
3 begin
4 tmp := owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'remote_addr' );
5 end;
6 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error ORA-06512: at "OWS2.OWA_UTIL", line 160 ORA-06512: at line 4
You see, owa_util is initialized by the webserver -- if you are not using the webserver then owa_util has NULLS all over it and it will attempt to:
for i in 1 .. NUM_CGI_VARS loop
but num_cgi_vars is NULL and that throws the exception...
If you are not using the webserver you can use the AUDIT_TRAIL feature to get this info in 7.2 and up. Here is a sample:
create or replace package ip
pragma restrict_references( ip, wnds, wnps, rnps );
function address return varchar2;
pragma restrict_references( address, wnds, wnps );
procedure into_v$session;
end ip;
show errors
create or replace package body ip
theAddress varchar2(2000);
function address return varchar2
return theAddress;
procedure into_v$session
dbms_application_info.set_client_info( theAddress );
select comment_text
into theAddress from user_audit_trail where sessionid = userenv('SESSIONID'); declare n number; begin n := instr( theAddress, '(HOST=' ); theAddress := substr( theAddress, n+6 ); n := instr( theAddress, ')' ); theAddress := substr( theAddress, 1, n-1 );end;
grant execute on ip to public
create public synonym ip for ip
>R Fray wrote in message <>...
>>Hi, If you define a variable as :
>> vipaddress varchar2(15);
>>You should then be able to insert the IP address in to that variable
>>using :
>> vipaddress := owa_util.get_cgi_env('remote_addr');
>>This is using Oracle Web Server & PL/SQL but the format is correct.
>>You are getting a type-mismatch, what are you trying to insert the IP
>>into? Make sure it's a character type.
Thomas Kyte
Oracle Government
Herndon VA
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