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Re: Moving an MS ACCESS db & app to ORACLE

From: <>
Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 20:01:32 GMT
Message-ID: <6vlq2r$d79$>

In article <01bdf2bd$95033cc0$a82f090a_at_hubbard.hubbard>,   "John Akright" <> wrote:
> I'm interested in anyones experience in migrating an MS ACCESS APP and
> Database to
> Oracle.
> I know there's a Migration tool free for download at the Oracle website.
> But that's just for the data.
> Right!
> I'm trying to do a proof-of-concept for a Time Accounting System which is
> written on an Access
> database. What will be involved?
> I haven't investigated this too much so forgive my ignorance.
> Here's some of my thoughts & Questions:
> 1) I can connect from an Access program using ODBC, but I don't want to
> install SQL*NET on every
> client. What ODBC software/vendor will allow this?

I haven't tried enough of these to know, but other's comments have been that Microsoft's ODBC driver is better than Oracle's. (Well, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.)

> 2) If its written in ACCESS programming language I guess I better hope the
> programmer used
> Standard SQL to query the Ms Acess db. Right?

Be warned that there are multiple levels of compliance to the SQL standard. ORACLE happens to be at the lowest level. MS Access is actually at a higher level. SO, SQL statements that work in Access will not necessarily work in ORACLE. In fact, almost anything involving a table join is likely not going to work. (This assumes you let Access create the query instead of writing it yourself.)

> 3) I've heard ODBC causes allot of network traffic, thus causing poor
> performance. Thoughts?

Creat views in Oracle. then the query runs on the server, returning only the desired data. It all depends on how you use it.

> This is a start. Any experiences/advice any of you have had in doing
> something like this would
> would be appreciated. Thanks.
> John

Data base conversions are a fundamental part of my company's business. Give us a call if you need more help.
Ed Prochak
Magic Interface, Ltd.

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