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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> multithreaded in pro*c
We are trying to implement connection pool in C.Here we are creating mutliple threads which are trying to connect to Database simultaneously.While execution of the program it gives coredump. In the same program if we use mutex lock before making connection to Database it works fine!! The SQL statement are converted to C statement by Pro*C compiler ( like sqlcxt() ). Our Query here is that : Are the different funtions ( like sqlcxt() ) called by multiple threads 'THREAD SAFE' or not??
We are using Pro*C/C++ Release compiler to compile our
mutlithreaded Pro*C program.
We are using oracle 7.3.3 on Digital Unix V 4.0
Thanks in advance,
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Received on Thu Oct 08 1998 - 23:27:44 CDT