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Correct the sqlnet.ora file
Regards Rob
Gus wrote in message <6vi90n$>...
>Please help a Oracle newbie.
>I having trouble to connect to one of my Oracle7 NT servers
>I get ORA-12505 (TNSlistner:listner could not resolve SID name) when trying
>to connect with SQL_Plus.
>I checked SID name on the server, the servicename in NT and the instance
>name itself. It's the only instance on the server. I can connect on the
>server itself with SQL_PLUS but not remotly. TNS Easy Net is setup
>(as far as I can se)
>I can connect to the first server (uniqe database alias, nodename and
>instansname) but not to server nr 2.
>Server nr 2 is responding to TNSping.
>The database is build with a full exportfile from server nr 1, the instance
>name is diffrent from the first server. (nr 2 i i thought to be a test
>I'm aware that Ii probably have the answer right in front of me ;-) but i
>can't find it.
>Any suggestions are welcome.
Received on Thu Oct 08 1998 - 12:40:33 CDT