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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Orace PARAMETERS
In article <6vca16$cr7$>, wrote:
> Hello,
> I wi be highly grateful to U if U can carify the below parameters.
> I need to create a new database :
> ------ Parameters in the creation script --------
> connect internal
> startup pfile=/orasw/v7/dbs/initcc10.ora nomount
> >> Why we do "nomount" here rather than MOUNT or OPEN, what is the difference
> between them.
> create database "CC1"
> maxinstances 1
> maxlogfiles 16
> character set "US7ASCII"
> datafile
> '/db01/oracle/CC1/sys01.dbf' size 20M reuse
> logfile
> '/db05/oracle/CC1/redo01CC1.dbf' size 2M reuse,
> '/db05/oracle/CC1/redo02CC1.dbf' size 2M reuse,
> '/db05/oracle/CC1/redo03CC1.dbf' size 2M reuse;
> >> What is the significance "maxlogfiles" here. can logfiles not go beyond the
> value specified ( 16 )??. What do we mean by log file groups ( is it 3 here).
> Suppose once the database is running nad the I shutdown it and add an
> additional entry for log file and restart the database ...will it work fine ?.
> The sys01.dbf is used for what purpose?. How does its size matter?.
> connect internal
> create rollback segment r0 tablespace system
> storage (initial 16k next 16k minextents 2 maxextents 20);
> >> Why we create this r0 rollback segment... what is the purpose of creating
> and then later making it offline.
> ------ Parameters in the configuration file --------
> what for are these parameters used:
> background_dump_dest = path -- for what types of dump it is used
> core_dump_dest = path -- for what types of dump it is used
> user_dump_dest = path -- for what types of dump it is used
> With Regards and Thanks in Advance........
> Dvsingh
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Greetings, Dvsingh,
create tablespace RBSEG01 datafile '/prod/rollback/rbseg01.dbf' size 300M default storage ( initial 2M next 2M maxextents 249 [for a 4K database]);
You can optionally specify the OPTIMAL parameter; this specifies the size that the rollback segment shrinks back to after expanding.
4. BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST specifies the location where the trace files for background processes and the ALERT file are written. The ALERT file (on UNIX, the file name is 'alert_database-name.log', so if your database was called test, the alert file would be: alert_test.log) is where Oracle writes events such as database startup/shutdown, tablespace creation/deletion, log changes and errors. It is important to check this file often; when there is a problem, it is one of the first places you should look.
USER_DUMP_DEST is where the trace files for server processes are written; many times if a user gets an ORA0600, indicating an internal error, the *.trc file would be written to this directory.
CORE_DUMP_DEST - some operating systems can write any core dumps to this directory. On UNIX, I've never seen an Oracle core dump written here, but that's just my experience.
Some references for you to consult (as part of your Oracle software, you should have gotten a CD entitled 'Oracle Product Documentation Library'):
Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide (Chapter 2 - Creating a Database, Chapter 3 - Starting and Stopping a Database) Oracle7 Server Reference
Both of these are on the CD I mentioned above. You should also check out some of the Oracle Press books like 'Introduction to Oracle'.
I hope this helps. To summarize, the steps in creating an Oracle database are:
svrmgrl connect internal startup nomount
B. Run the CREATE DATABASE script
C. Create a second rollback segment in the SYSTEM tablespace and alter it ONLINE D. Create the Data Dictionary, etc:
@$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql (creates Data Dictionary) @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catproc.sql (enables the Procedural Option) @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catexp.sql (allows you to do Export/Import)
E. Create your rollback segment tablespace, your TOOLS, USERS and TEMP tablespaces, and the tablespaces for your application tables and indexes
F. Change the ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS= parameter in the init.ora to have the name of the rollback segments you created
G. Change the passwords for the SYS and SYSTEM users and the DEFAULT and TEMPORARY tablespaces.
H. Connect as SYSTEM and run
@$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catdbsyn.sql (Data Dictionary synonyms)
@$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql (Creates USER_PROFILE and PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE tables for SQL*Plus)
I. Shutdown your database and start it up again:
At this point, if you do a
'select segment_name, tablespace_name, status from dba_rollback_segs', you should see that the ones you created in your rollback segment tablespace are ONLINE, and the second one you created in the SYSTEM tablespace should be OFFLINE. You can drop this second rollback segment, or leave it for future maintenance.
Dvsingh, I hope this helps. If you have other questions, or need help, I would be glad to assist you:
Ms. Yaca Attwood -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your OwnReceived on Wed Oct 07 1998 - 13:34:21 CDT
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