NAME VALUE ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- logons cumulative 1 logons current 1 opened cursors cumulative 2969377 opened cursors current 11 user commits 139163 user rollbacks 1 user calls 2 recursive calls 5900016 pinned cursors current 9 session logical reads 1.2773E+10 CPU used by this session 19128465 cluster wait time 829941 concurrency wait time 33160 application wait time 378465 user I/O wait time 7411061 scheduler wait time 10602 non-idle wait time 8805912 non-idle wait count 483777098 in call idle wait time 61433273 session connect time 1618778606 process last non-idle time 1618778606 session uga memory 99534016 session uga memory max 595154496 messages sent 1310256 session pga memory 169912984 session pga memory max 2831985304 enqueue timeouts 832 enqueue waits 531416 enqueue requests 9638492 enqueue conversions 44 enqueue releases 9637648 global enqueue gets sync 9795896 global enqueue get time 436431 global enqueue releases 9795185 physical read total IO requests 207545701 physical read total multi block requests 4475 physical read requests optimized 207373142 physical read total bytes optimized 1.8223E+12 physical read total bytes 1.8241E+12 physical write requests optimized 6329 physical write total bytes optimized 1408212992 cell writes to flash cache 14026 cell overwrites in flash cache 7115 physical write total IO requests 17607 physical write total multi block requests 14368 physical write total bytes 3.2252E+10 cell physical IO interconnect bytes 1.8285E+12 gcs read-mostly lock grants 982088 gcs read-mostly lock failures 154814 gcs affinity lock failures 146443 physical read snap IO requests no data 3 gcs messages sent 30653137 ges messages sent 537739 max cf enq hold time 20 total cf enq hold time 50 total number of cf enq holders 20 db block gets 2364688032 db block gets from cache 2364688032 db block gets from cache (fastpath) 1653811123 consistent gets 1.0409E+10 consistent gets from cache 1.0409E+10 consistent gets pin 9443830413 consistent gets pin (fastpath) 8945145746 consistent gets examination 964721088 consistent gets examination (fastpath) 725981046 fastpath consistent get quota limit 491548175 logical read bytes from cache 1.0464E+14 physical reads 222668595 physical reads cache 222500062 physical reads direct 168533 physical read IO requests 207440985 physical read bytes 1.8241E+12 db block changes 1149379859 consistent changes 366868106 physical writes 266890 physical writes direct 266890 physical write IO requests 10345 physical reads direct temporary tablespace 168533 physical writes direct temporary tablespace 266890 physical write bytes 2186362880 physical writes non checkpoint 266890 prefetch clients - default 1 change write time 830586 exchange deadlocks 7341 free buffer requested 255950238 dirty buffers inspected 86836520 pinned buffers inspected 126325 hot buffers moved to head of LRU 158827639 free buffer inspected 278712013 commit cleanout failures: block lost 69156184 commit cleanout failures: cannot pin 8308 commit cleanout failures: buffer being written 17552 commit cleanouts 261808626 CR blocks created 2062116 switch current to new buffer 185865 write clones created in foreground 28986 physical reads cache prefetch 15075228 prefetched blocks aged out before use 18541584 shared hash latch upgrades - no wait 37435096 shared hash latch upgrades - wait 157330 physical reads for flashback new 104542 flashback cache read optimizations for block new 7615048 blocks encrypted 94524011 blocks decrypted 195385074 calls to kcmgcs 83956504 calls to kcmgas 13499136 calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss 10202923 redo entries 759004828 redo size 2.8641E+11 redo entries for lost write detection 186164694 redo size for lost write detection 1.1826E+10 redo buffer allocation retries 1261 redo log space requests 1154 redo log space wait time 894 redo ordering marks 17959 redo subscn max counts 2005770 redo write broadcast ack time 972192 redo write broadcast ack count 502 redo synch time 1 redo synch time (usec) 6748 redo synch time overhead (usec) 112 redo synch time overhead count ( 2ms) 2 redo synch writes 2 redo write info find 2 file io service time 1648659921 file io wait time 7.3050E+10 gc cr blocks received 10254538 gc cr block receive time 649383 gc current blocks received 501963 gc current block receive time 15198 gc local grants 232331152 gc remote grants 19281204 gc reader bypass grants 37909 gc reader bypass waits 121 gc force cr read cr 47 gc force cr read current 32 cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized file creation 3.0065E+10 cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload 3.0065E+10 cell physical write bytes saved by smart file initialization 3.0006E+10 cell physical IO bytes eligible for smart IOs 3.0065E+10 Batched IO vector read count 56650 Batched IO vector block count 688932 Batched IO single block count 1489863 Batched IO block miss count 1296191 Batched IO double miss count 62333 Batched IO (full) vector count 1379265 Batched IO (space) vector count 9412 Batched IO (bound) vector count 153491 Batched IO same unit count 500188 Batched IO buffer defrag count 6346 Batched IO slow jump count 17381 temp space allocated (bytes) 95420416 undo change vector size 1.0229E+11 transaction tables consistent reads - undo records applied 150372975 transaction tables consistent read rollbacks 163725 data blocks consistent reads - undo records applied 134948012 no work - consistent read gets 9391485716 cleanouts only - consistent read gets 1006665 rollbacks only - consistent read gets 1686199 cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets 656257 RowCR attempts 12289 RowCR hits 11804 RowCR - row contention 485 rollback changes - undo records applied 20211 transaction rollbacks 4909 immediate (CURRENT) block cleanout applications 14506625 immediate (CR) block cleanout applications 1663386 deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout applications 10388966 commit txn count during cleanout 209840924 active txn count during cleanout 60898470 cleanout - number of ktugct calls 40581000 Commit SCN cached 49857510 Cached Commit SCN referenced 49771044 Block Cleanout Optim referenced 14064793 min active SCN optimization applied on CR 1009246 commit batch/immediate requested 4909 commit immediate requested 4909 commit batch/immediate performed 4909 commit immediate performed 4909 KTFB alloc req 6583 KTFB alloc space (block) 1.0051E+11 KTFB alloc time (ms) 15024046 KTFB apply req 5285 KTFB apply time (ms) 66141 KTFB alloc myinst 1297 KTFB alloc steal 19 KTFB alloc search FFB 107325 table scans (short tables) 488570 table scan rows gotten 6198386899 table scan disk non-IMC rows gotten 6198386899 table scan blocks gotten 52677089 table fetch by rowid 5217699893 table fetch continued row 521925637 cluster key scans 673 cluster key scan block gets 2970 rows fetched via callback 1285382 leaf node splits 4714466 leaf node 90-10 splits 1222 branch node splits 58254 failed probes on index block reclamation 30 recursive aborts on index block reclamation 1 index fast full scans (full) 108576 index fetch by key 208606235 index scans kdiixs1 435191815 heap block compress 73392 HSC Heap Segment Block Changes 50100386 HSC OLTP Non Compressible Blocks 1.8447E+19 Heap Segment Array Inserts 23582837 sql area purged 194880 sql area evicted 198277 CCursor + sql area evicted 196677 session cursor cache hits 23112 session cursor cache count 48 cursor reload failures 1708 cursor authentications 43 buffer is pinned count 9480324605 buffer is not pinned count 1879069322 no buffer to keep pinned count 4705369 workarea memory allocated 91583 workarea executions - optimal 12598929 workarea executions - onepass 23 parse time cpu 15999 parse time elapsed 19327 parse count (total) 1669506 parse count (hard) 194987 execute count 2395387 sorts (memory) 97446219 sorts (disk) 2 sorts (rows) 2.5074E+10 cell flash cache read hits 207373146 cell logical write IO requests 10395